zaterdag 4 januari 2014

Emotions for blogs

I started to make these mood faces around a month ago. I really like to make them custom for people to use on their blog, website, etc.
They are available for just $0,50 via Paypal.
If you want a set, please contact me here: eternal(dot)ann1493(at)gmail(dot)com
In the email you must give a reference of the character or object that you want me to draw and whether you want the faces with or without the words or both.
Please be aware that I won't start to draw your request until you've paid me.
If I finished the drawings I'll send all the faces as seperate files in an email back to you.

CAL 2014; week 1

Het eerste deel van de Crochet Along 2014 is online.
het is hier te vinden
Het volgende deel van het patroon wordt aankomende vrijdag gedeeld op dezelfde pagina en daarna wordt de pagina iedere vrijdag geupdate met een nieuw deel van het patroon.

vrijdag 3 januari 2014

I found something

Hey everyone,

In my last blog post I talked about a Crochet along for Dutch people only. I did some research for the Crochet along today and I found the English version here! I read the whole pattern and I found out that the pattern uses the US names of all stitches.

I'd love to hear from people who will try the pattern and I'd really like to see pictures of blankets in progress or finished blankets.

Happy crafting!